Rainy's Alaska All Purpose Assortment (36 Pack)
This collection was designed in collaboration with Rainy’s® and Alaska Guide Rich Culver. It contains 36 flies for almost any species you will encounter on a week-long Alaska Trip: Salmon, Steelhead, Trout, Pike, etc. String leeches, Eggs, marabou Speys, Wogs, Mice, flesh flies, etc. These flies are the flies you are going to want to have with you. All contained in a nice re-usable durable plastic box.
Assortment Includes:
- Brite Glo Egg
- Pepper Head
- Tandem Bandit
- Cluster Flesh
- Krystal Minnow
- Flash Fly
- AK Bunny Leech
- Alevin
- Alaska Mini-Carcus
- Fat Cat Leech
- Jolly Mama
- Poly Wog
- Show Girl
- Popsicle
- Alaskabou
- Here Kitty, Kitty Mouse
- Bass Pop - Pink
- Culver's Deep Water Metal Detector
- Nick's Cheeky Mouse
- Ted's Sparkle Nuke Egg
- Walt's Samuri Spawn
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