We feel privileged to collaborate with exceptional individuals who contribute significantly to our success. It is indeed a tremendous advantage to have a highly skilled team in both the United States and across our multiple production sites in Southeast Asia, along with our esteemed fly designers, sales representatives, and pro staff members.

Rainy Riding
Rainy’s®, Inc. was founded in 1971 by Rainy Riding. Rainy began fishing with flies at the age of 5. She is now a world-renowned master fly designer with over 850 exclusive fly patterns. She has been featured in many publications and venues worldwide for her time-saving materials, tools, and techniques and her now industry-standard fly patterns. She is retired now, but you can still find her in the office several days a week, continuing to add her expertise to the business.

Ellen Clark
Co-Owner / Director (StreamWorks)
Ellen Clark added her business and marketing acumen and resources to launch Rainy’s into the world-wide market. She became a co-owner of Rainy’s, Inc. in 1989 and of StreamWorks (Thailand) in 2002. Without her awesome organizational skills we would be a mess. She currently spends most of her time living in Thailand where she manages the production of our flies and signature materials.

Jesse Riding
Co-Owner / President
Rainy's son Jesse has worked for the company since near birth. He grew up in the Fly Fishing Industry and has now over 40 years of experience producing and selling flies (and lots of "product testing" along the way). He now is co-owner with his business partner Ellen and serves as GM/President of the Logan, UT office/warehouse with an emphasis on sales and product development.

Alison McCandless
Accounts Receivable/Pre-Season Orders
Alison began working at Rainy's® in 2010. There is not much that Alison does not take part in. She is the glue that holds everything together! With all the many things she does, she mainly takes care of the accounts receivable and processes/verifies pre-season orders.

Paul Mason
Fulfillment / Operations
Paul Joined Rainy's® in 2010. With a Masters degree in Fisheries Biology he adds quite the expertise to the Rainy's team. Paul is our first line of defense for any technical questions you might have...that is if you can catch him in the office and not out fishing. He focuses most of his time on fulfillment of major accounts and is instrumental withing the product development team.

Denise Southerland
Customer Service/Purchasing/Fulfillment
Denise has been with Rainy's® since 2015. If you call us you will most likely be greeted by her happy voice and warm personality. Denise also is instrumental in leading the teams of several critical departments, namely, customer service, raw material procurement, and order fulfillment.