Dave Whitlock



Dave Whitlock

A native of Oklahoma, Dave Whitlock, a legend and pioneer in the world of fly fishing, left his position as a research chemist over 40 years ago to embark on a new career as a full-time professional in the art of fly fishing, combining his talents in painting, illustration, writing, photography, fly tying, and lecturing.

Dave's artistic and written works graced the pages of numerous fly-fishing and sports publications, including Fly Fisherman Magazine, Fly Fishing and Tying Journal, Trout Magazine, In-Fisherman, and Field & Stream. He authored four books: "Dave Whitlock's Guide to Aquatic Trout Foods," "the L.L. Bean Fly Fishing Handbook," "the L.L. Bean Bass Fly Fishing Handbook," and "Imitating and Fishing Natural Fish Foods for Lefty's Little Library."

In addition to his authored works, Dave co-authored or contributed to several other books, including "The Flytyer's Almanac," "Second Flytyer's Almanac," "Art Flick's Master Fly Tying Guide," "McClane's Fishing Encyclopedia," "Migel's Stream Conservation Book," and "Masters on the Nymph," among others. His illustrations adorned more than 20 books, including Steve Raymond's "Year of the Angler" and "Year of the Trout," as well as President Carter's "Outdoor Journal." Dave also shared his fly-fishing and teaching expertise through numerous videos and guest appearances on televised fly-fishing programs.

Dave's extensive experience and innovative perspective on all aspects of fly fishing earned him a reputation as one of the leading professional fly fishers in the sport. He received numerous awards for his contributions to fly fishing and fly tying, including induction into the National Fresh Water Hall of Fame, the Max Ander's Wild Trout Award for his work on wild trout propagation, and the Federation of Fly Fishers' Conservation Man of the Year Award. Dave was also honored with the Buz Buzeck Flytyer's Award, the highest recognition in the fly-tying realm, for his inventive fly-tying patterns and national fly-tying endeavors.

He was presented with the FFF James E. Henshall Award for his dedication to warm-water fishing and conservation and the FFF's Ambassador Award for his global promotion of fly fishing and conservation efforts. In 1996, he was inducted into the Arkansas Game & Fish Hall of Fame and received the Lifetime Contribution Award in 1997 from the National American Fly Tackle Trade Association. In 2020, Dave was posthumously inducted into the International Game Fish Association's Hall of Fame, one of the most esteemed honors in the fly fishing community.

One of Dave's most notable contributions to wild trout management and preservation is the Whitlock-Vibert Box System, an ingenious in-stream salmonoid egg incubator and nursery device. Dave spent seven years researching and refining this system, documenting his findings in the FFF Whitlock-Vibert Box Handbook. Today, supported by the Federation of Fly Fishers, the Whitlock-Vibert Box program is utilized worldwide to introduce or enhance wild trout, char, and salmon populations.

Dave championed cool, warm, and cold water fisheries and gained international recognition for his innovative and effective fly-tying designs, including the famous "Dave's Hopper." His body of work, particularly his art, encapsulates the realism of nature and the interconnectedness of fly-fishing subjects, reflecting the perspective of a true sportsman.
Dave's Cricket (Original) - Black
Dave's Cricket (Original) - Black

Dave's Cricket (Original) - Black

Dave's Foam Hopper - Yellow - FM
Dave's Foam Hopper - Yellow - FM

Dave's Foam Hopper - Yellow - FM

Dave's Hopper (Original) - Yellow
Dave's Hopper (Original) - Yellow

Dave's Hopper (Original) - Yellow

Dave's Whit Hopper
Dave's Whit Hopper

Dave's Whit Hopper

Whitlock's 3-Phase Caddis Assortment (6 Pack)
Whitlock's 3-Phase Caddis Assortment (6 Pack)
Whitlock's 3-Phase Caddis Assortment (6 Pack)
Whitlock's 3-Phase Caddis Assortment (6 Pack)

Whitlock's 3-Phase Caddis Assortment (6 Pack)

Whitlock's Bead Eye RL Red Fox Squirrel Nymph
Whitlock's Bead Eye RL Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

Whitlock's Bead Eye RL Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

Whitlock's BH Red Fox Squirrel Nymph - TNG
Whitlock's BH Red Fox Squirrel Nymph - TNG

Whitlock's BH Red Fox Squirrel Nymph - TNG

Whitlock's Bright Spot Beetle - FM
Whitlock's Bright Spot Beetle - FM

Whitlock's Bright Spot Beetle - FM

Whitlock's Bright Spot Carpenter Ant - Black - FM
Whitlock's Bright Spot Carpenter Ant - Black - FM

Whitlock's Bright Spot Carpenter Ant - Black - FM

Whitlock's Bright Spot Cricket
Whitlock's Bright Spot Cricket

Whitlock's Bright Spot Cricket

Whitlock's Bright Spot Inch Worm - Green - FM
Whitlock's Bright Spot Inch Worm - Green - FM

Whitlock's Bright Spot Inch Worm - Green - FM

Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Heavy)
Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Heavy)
Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Heavy)
Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Heavy)

Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Heavy)

Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Light)
Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Light)
Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Light)
Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Light)

Whitlock's Caddis Pupa (Light)

Whitlock's Crystal Spent Adult Dragonfly - Blue - FM/WG
Whitlock's Crystal Spent Adult Dragonfly - Blue - FM/WG

Whitlock's Crystal Spent Adult Dragonfly - Blue - FM/WG

Whitlock's Damsel Nymph - Olive
Whitlock's Damsel Nymph - Olive

Whitlock's Damsel Nymph - Olive

Whitlock's Diving Frog
Whitlock's Diving Frog
Whitlock's Diving Frog
Whitlock's Diving Frog
Whitlock's Diving Frog
Whitlock's Diving Frog

Whitlock's Diving Frog

Whitlock's Dragonfly Nymph - Olive - WG
Whitlock's Dragonfly Nymph - Olive - WG

Whitlock's Dragonfly Nymph - Olive - WG

Whitlock's Emerging Caddis Pupa
Whitlock's Emerging Caddis Pupa
Whitlock's Emerging Caddis Pupa
Whitlock's Emerging Caddis Pupa

Whitlock's Emerging Caddis Pupa

Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon
Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon

Whitlock's Gorilla Damsel/Dragon

Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug
Whitlock's Hair Bug

Whitlock's Hair Bug

Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin
Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin
Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin
Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin
Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin
Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin

Whitlock's Matuka Sculpin

Whitlock's MouseRat
Whitlock's MouseRat
Whitlock's MouseRat
Whitlock's MouseRat

Whitlock's MouseRat

Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish
Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish

Whitlock's NearNuff Crayfish

Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin
Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin
Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin
Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin
Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin
Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin

Whitlock's NearNuff Sculpin

Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare
Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare

Whitlock's Nuevo Spidare

Whitlock's Periodic Cicada - FM
Whitlock's Periodic Cicada - FM

Whitlock's Periodic Cicada - FM

Whitlock's Red Fox Squirrel Nymph
Whitlock's Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

Whitlock's Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

Whitlock's RL BH Red Fox Squirrel Nymph - TNG
Whitlock's RL BH Red Fox Squirrel Nymph - TNG

Whitlock's RL BH Red Fox Squirrel Nymph - TNG

Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly
Whitlock's Scorpion Fly

Whitlock's Scorpion Fly

Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Deep Sheep
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Deep Sheep
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Deep Sheep
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Deep Sheep

Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Deep Sheep

Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer

Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Swimmer

Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Waker
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Waker
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Waker
Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Waker

Whitlock's Sheep Minnow Waker

Whitlock's Signature Bass Assortment (7 Pack)
Whitlock's Signature Bass Assortment (7 Pack)

Whitlock's Signature Bass Assortment (7 Pack)

Whitlock's Signature Terrestrial Assortment (16 Pack)
Whitlock's Signature Terrestrial Assortment (16 Pack)

Whitlock's Signature Terrestrial Assortment (16 Pack)

Whitlock's Signature Trout Assortment (12 Pack)
Whitlock's Signature Trout Assortment (12 Pack)

Whitlock's Signature Trout Assortment (12 Pack)

Whitlock's Sponge Spider - FM/WG
Whitlock's Sponge Spider - FM/WG

Whitlock's Sponge Spider - FM/WG

Whitlock's Stone Nymph
Whitlock's Stone Nymph
Whitlock's Stone Nymph
Whitlock's Stone Nymph

Whitlock's Stone Nymph

Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug
Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug

Whitlock's UL Air-Jet Bug

Whitlock's Vortex Diver
Whitlock's Vortex Diver
Whitlock's Vortex Diver
Whitlock's Vortex Diver
Whitlock's Vortex Diver
Whitlock's Vortex Diver

Whitlock's Vortex Diver