MAGIC TOOLS: A close look at Rainy’s Specialty Fly Tying Tools by Jesse Riding

When Rainy started tying almost 50 years ago, there were a lot of limitations in materials, tools, etc. Things that are commonplace today had not yet been invented. As with most inventions, when there arose a problem you had to invent something to solve it. This is exactly what Rainy did. In order to make the tying process faster and more efficient, she had to either search for something that would work or invent the material or tool to make her life as a production tyer easier.
Each one of Rainy’s Specialty Fly Tying Tools is MAGIC! Each is uniquely designed to make your life as a tyer easier and more efficient. Since the inception, we have sold these tools all over the world for decades. You are going to want to add some of these to your tool caddy.
Here is a highlight of Rainy’s Specialty Fly Tying Tools and what makes each one so magical:

Rainy’s E-Z Hackle Gripper
I know what you are saying, “I already have a pair of hackle pliers.” Most likely you do, but these are not your ordinary lead clips. They have been specifically designed to capture and securely hold extremely small strands of material. These are my favorite hackle pliers of all time. They magically hold hackle without slipping or breaking the hackle quill. The “guts” on the inside have been replaced with a new engineered system to hold the materials tighter. That, along with a newly cast and designed “trough” to receive the hook, allows this to hold all day long. Your materials will break first.

Rainy’s E-Z Bobbin Threader
This is one magical multifunctional tool. It makes threading your bobbin a breeze. It is made of strong stainless steel with a machined “hook”. Simply insert into your bobbin, catch the thread, and pull through. It also cleans and removes the waxy residue from inside of your bobbin left by using waxed tying threads. Gone are the days you have to strain your eyes to use that small, flimsy wire bobbin threader…if you can even find it on your desk. Rainy’s E-Z Bobbin Threader is quick and easy. It is constructed with a half-hitch tool in the handle to make a common overhand knot as well. Use it to pull small legs through popper bodies as well.

Rainy’s E-Z Leg Tool
The E-Z Leg Tool is used to tie knots in feathers for legs. You can make your own hopper, cranefly, stonefly, and many other “critter” legs out of just about any feather or material. They are super easy to use and are available in two sizes, medium and small. We also use it a lot for pulling rubber legs through foam popper bodies. Don’t worry about figuring out how to use it; detailed instructions are in each package. Your fly legs will be all knotted so fast you will know how magical this tool is.

Rainy’s WISS Scissors
(Availalble with and without Bodkin)
These are small, lightweight, and spring-loaded fine tipped scissors. They are designed to keep in your hand (with ring finger loop) while tying, but still easy to pick up off your desk. This is the perfect pair of scissors for the commercial or casual tyer. The Magic of this tool is in the very fine tips and the spring-loaded blades. The blades start cutting the first millimeter of material. They are amazing. You have the option to hold it in your hand while you tie too, thus keeping your speed up. The spring-loaded blades are a fantastic time-saving feature as well. You can make repeated cuts or trims at a fast pace. They are ready to cut at any moment and bounce right back at you for the next cut. Use it for fine work like trimming your thread and wild fibers to the trimming and shaping of deer hair flies. They also sit up off the table a good half inch making it easier to pick up when you are ready for them if you don’t keep them in your hand. The blades are replaceable, but I have a pair that is over 20 years old that are still cutting thread, hair, and other items just as the day they were first purchased. Don’t be fooled by the imitations. If it is not “Rainy’s Wiss Fine Tip”, it is not the same!
If you are looking for new tools to assist and simplify your tying, try one of these. I am confident that they will be something you will use on a frequent basis.

Jesse Riding, the son of renowned fly designer and manufacturer Rainy Riding, grew up with flies and fly tying in his blood. He spent hours and hours sitting over his mom’s shoulder watching her tie flies throughout his young life. He started tying his own variations at age 4 and would help customers in the fly shop in between tying flies all through his young adult life. He has worked in fly fishing industry now for over 35 years. He ties flies virtually every day of the year coming up with new creations to fish in the following days. He has two tying stations at home (so he does not have to kick one of his kids off the vise) and one at work so he can always convert an idea to reality. Jesse is currently Co-Owner and President of Rainy’s® Flies & Supplies. He splits his time between sales out of the company’s headquarters and distribution warehouse in Logan, Utah, and interfacing with dealers.