Featured Product Whitlock’s Telstrike Indicators

For 50 years, Dave Whitlock has been developing strike indicators for more successful nymphing. The Telstrike Indicator is his most productive and favorite design to date. It allows strike detection of nymphs or micro-jigs faster and more accurately than any other design on the market. It is durable and trouble free, casts smoothly, lands on the water softly and reveals when the fly has reached its maximum depth.

The Telstrike ‘flag’ visually telegraphs every move the fly makes and alerts the fly fisher faster and to more subtle takes. The Telstrike can also be used as a traditional yarn indicator as sometimes fish will hit the fly so hard that it will dart under water without flag detection.

The Telstrike Indicator is made in 3 “Stealth” and 2 “Hi-Viz” colors as well as two combo packs containing an assortment of colors and sizes. Detailed instructions and diagrams are included with every package.